Serving Fulton, Cass, Pulaski, Marshall, Miami, Wabash, and Kosciusko Counties in Indiana!

Just in from scanner: RFD was called out to Old 31 and 450 N to a trash fire. RFD requested that FCSD be enroute too.

UPDATE(8:02 PM): FCSD on scene.

UPDATE(8:03 PM): FCSD advise that this fire is east of Old 31.

Just in from scanner(8:22 PM): Miami County Sheriff Dept. has requested that Henry Fire Dept to respond to a house/structure fire near 13000 N block of 700 E in Miami County.

UPDATE(8:32 PM): FCSD advised Henry Fire that Roann Fire is on scene and flames are showing. Henry Fire is responding full assist.

UPDATE(8:39 PM): HFD advised they are now on scene.

Just in from scanner: Structrures fire in the 3600 South block of St Rd 17. RFD, KFD, and FCEMS have been dispatched to the scene.

UPDATE(1:28 AM): Caller states that unknown if the ocupants have escaped the house.

UPDATE(1:30 AM): Caller now states that the house is fully engulfed and now the fire has reached the garage and barn. Caller also states that in the barn is a vehicle.

UPDATE(1:33 AM): KFD now requested tanker assist from Wayne Fire(Grass Creek).

UPDATE(1:46 AM): FCEMS advise that 5 residents have escaped and they are uninjured. 

UPDATE(2:37): KFD advise that fire is now under control. 

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